
Wrench and screwdriver symbol fallout shelter
Wrench and screwdriver symbol fallout shelter

Science Hero's Babe Assistant, who is much less technically competent. If it is computers and the Internet instead of mechanics, she is a Hackette. When her talents go beyond mere fixing things to outright creating machinery, she is a Gadgeteer Genius. Her tools extend to pure electronic devices, but she is also likely to be found with a blowtorch and ratchet set. Fix It and The Blacksmith, a Wrench Wench might have Machine Empathy and can diagnose problems just by listening to the motor.

wrench and screwdriver symbol fallout shelter

She is usually self-confident enough to not need a Beautiful All Along plot, but will probably have at least one She Cleans Up Nicely moment, even though she is often an Unkempt Beauty anyway. She will always be skilled and confident about her own work, as well as Curious as a Monkey in the presence of new and interesting machines - or Constantly Curious, if inspection is impossible.

wrench and screwdriver symbol fallout shelter wrench and screwdriver symbol fallout shelter

Mechanical inclinations have traditionally been the forte of men, but the Wrench Wench is a girl who proves the former idea is definitely wrong.

Wrench and screwdriver symbol fallout shelter